Designed and brought to life by the artist and inventor Tom Lawton. Wonder...
Kinetic music
Musical experiences by the sculptor and musician artist Bichopalo. See more at his...
Dissappearing sculptures
Octagon portals
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Impressive data sculpture created by the team at Ouchhh: [video width="724" height="720"...
Animating sculpture
Fascinating 3D-Printed Light-Based Zoetrope
Media artist Akinori Goto designed this fun 3d-printed zoetrope that when lit from the side reveals dancing or walking...
Optical illusion sculptures
Kinetic objects you can hang on your wall. Movement by hand or electricity creates the illusion...
Playable art Laser-Cut Wood Creates A Fascinating Sculpture
Helicone -- an interactive kinetic sculpture. A clever way of creating playable art with laser-cut wood.And here is an...