An idea from microsoft: IllumiRoom Projects Images Beyond Your TV for an Immersive Gaming Experience. It is using a...
Dynamic art
Hyundai’s ‘Vision Hall’ in South Korea.
3D projection mappings and theatre
Art and technology meet new media solutions. The use of 3d projection mapping can be seen more and more in theatre...
a Collection of 3d projection mapping on buildings
Galaxy swing
Starfield is an interactive installation where a swing is used to create a large interactive sky. With the use of...
Interactive pool table
CueLight Transform any pool table into a digitally-enhanced video experience. High-definition imagery responds in...
The holodesk allows physically realistic interaction between real and virtual 3D objects. ...
Art and Technology: holographic mourning tree
This interactive installation shows a 3D hologram of an interactive tree. People who think they are dying soon can...
How does projection mapping work?
Great video that shows how projection mapping actually works.